Turkey Import Data
Turkey is a transcontinental state, meaning that its territory is spread across two continents: Southeast Europe and Western Asia. The Republic of Turkey is another common name for Turkey. The country borders many other recognized nations, including Greece, Syria, Georgia, Armenia, and Iraq. Turkey's economy is ranked among the 38 most complicated in the world according to the data. Turkey ranked 18th out of 226 nations in terms of total imports in 2023, according to Turkey trade statistics.
According to Turkey’s Import Data, Turkey’s imports accounted for $361.76 billion in 2023, a 1% decline from the previous year. Turkey is part of major trading blocs such as the WTO, European Union-Turkey Customs Union, and free trade agreements. Turkey’s total GDP is $1108.02 billion. Turkey’s import share in its GDP is 34.69%. According to Turkey’s Import data, Turkey imported goods worth a total of $363 billion in 2022. Turkey, a bridge between Europe and Asia, has emerged as a significant player in international trade. To tap into the vast potential of this market, understanding Turkey's import data is essential. Let's explore a comprehensive analysis of Turkey's import data and Turkey customs data for the year 2023.