Search By Harmonized Code System

HS Code - 08

HS Code


0801 Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled
080111 Coconuts
080111 Desiccated
080112 In the inner shell (endocarp)
080119 Other
080121 Brazil nuts
080121 In shell
080122 Shelled
080131 Cashew nuts
080131 In shell
080132 Shelled
0802 Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled
080211 Almonds
080211 In shell
08021110 Bitter
08021190 Other
080212 Shelled
08021210 Bitter
08021290 Other
080221 Hazelnuts or filberts (Corylus spp.)
080221 In shell
080222 Shelled
080231 Walnuts
080231 In shell
080232 Shelled
080241 Chestnuts (Castanea spp.)
080241 In shell
080242 Shelled
080251 Pistachios
080251 In shell
080252 Shelled
080261 Macadamia nuts
080261 In shell
080262 Shelled
080270 Kola nuts (Cola spp.)
080280 Areca nuts
080291 Other
080291 Pine nuts, in shell
080292 Pine nuts, shelled
080299 Other
08029910 Pecans
08029990 Other
0803 Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried
080310 Plantains
08031010 Fresh
08031090 Dried
080390 Other
08039010 Fresh
08039090 Dried
0804 Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried
080410 Dates
0804100030 Dates, fresh or dried, for use in the manufacture (excluding packing) of products of drink or food industries
0804100091 Other
0804100091 In immediate containers of a net capacity not exceeding|35|kg
0804100099 Other
080420 Figs
08042010 Fresh
08042090 Dried
080430 Pineapples
0804300010 Dried
0804300090 Other
080440 Avocados
0804400010 Fresh
0804400090 Other
080450 Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens
0804500030 Guavas (guajava L.)
0804500089 Other
0805 Citrus fruit, fresh or dried
080510 Oranges
08051022 Sweet oranges, fresh
08051022 Navel oranges
0805102210 Of high quality
0805102290 Other
08051024 White oranges
0805102410 Of high quality
0805102490 Other
08051028 Other
0805102810 Of high quality
0805102890 Other
08051080 Other
0805108010 Fresh
0805108090 Other
080521 Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
080521 Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas)
08052110 Satsumas
0805211010 Fresh
0805211090 Other
08052190 Other
0805219011 Mandarins
0805219011 Fresh
0805219019 Other
0805219091 Tangerines
0805219091 Fresh
0805219099 Other
080522 Clementines
0805220011 Monreales
0805220011 Fresh
0805220019 Other
0805220020 Other
0805220020 Fresh
0805220090 Other
080529 Other
0805290011 Wilkings
0805290011 Fresh
0805290019 Other
0805290021 Citrus hybrids known as "minneolas"
0805290021 Fresh
0805290029 Other
0805290091 Other
0805290091 Fresh
0805290099 Other
080540 Grapefruit and pomelos
0805400011 Grapefruit, fresh
0805400011 White
0805400019 Pink
0805400031 Fresh pomelos
0805400031 White
0805400039 Pink
0805400090 Other
080550 Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia)
08055010 Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum)
0805501010 Fresh
0805501090 Other
08055090 Limes (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia)
0805509010 Fresh
0805509090 Other
080590 Other
0806 Grapes, fresh or dried
080610 Fresh
08061010 Table grapes
0806101005 Of the variety Emperor (Vitis vinifera c.v.), from 1 January to 31 January and from 1 December to 31 December
0806101090 Other
08061090 Other
080620 Dried
08062010 Currants
08062030 Sultanas
0806203010 In immediate containers of a net capacity not exceeding|2|kg
0806203090 Other
08062090 Other
0807 Melons (including watermelons) and papaws (papayas), fresh
080711 Melons (including watermelons)
080711 Watermelons
080719 Other
0807190050 Amarillo, Cuper, Honey Dew (including Cantalene), Onteniente, Piel de Sapo, (including Verde Liso, Rochet, Tendral, Futuro
0807190060 Galia melon (C.melo var.reticulatus)
0807190090 Other
080720 Papaws (papayas)
0808 Apples, pears and quinces, fresh
080810 Apples
08081010 Cider apples, in bulk, from 16|September to 15|December
08081080 Other
0808108010 Cider apples
0808108020 Of the variety Fuji
0808108090 Other
080830 Pears
08083010 Perry pears, in bulk, from 1|August to 31|December
08083090 Other
0808309010 Of the variety Nashi (Pyrus pyrifolia), Ya (Pyrus bretscheideri)
0808309090 Other
080840 Quinces
0809 Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines), plums and sloes, fresh
080910 Apricots
080921 Cherries
080921 Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus)
080929 Other
080930 Peaches, including nectarines
08093010 Nectarines
08093090 Other
080940 Plums and sloes
08094005 Plums
08094090 Sloes
0810 Other fruit, fresh
081010 Strawberries
081020 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries
08102010 Raspberries
08102090 Other
081030 Black-, white- or redcurrants and gooseberries
08103010 Blackcurrants
08103030 Redcurrants
08103090 Other
081040 Cranberries, bilberries and other fruit of the genus Vaccinium
08104010 Cowberries, foxberries or mountain cranberries (fruit of the species Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
08104030 Fruit of the species Vaccinium myrtillus
08104050 Fruit of the species Vaccinium macrocarpon and Vaccinium corymbosum
08104090 Other
081050 Kiwifruit
081060 Durians
081070 Persimmons
081090 Other
08109020 Tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodilla plums, passion fruit, carambola and pitahaya
0810902010 Pitahaya (dragon fruit)
0810902020 Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
0810902090 Other
08109075 Other
0810907530 Pomegranates
0810907550 Barbary figs
0810907560 Medlars
0810907590 Other
0811 Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
081110 Strawberries
08111011 Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
08111011 With a sugar content exceeding 13|% by weight
08111019 Other
08111090 Other
081120 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, loganberries, black-, white- or redcurrants and gooseberries
08112011 Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
08112011 With a sugar content exceeding 13|% by weight
0811201110 Raspberries
0811201115 Blackberries
0811201120 Mulberries
0811201125 Loganberries
0811201130 Blackcurrants
0811201135 Whitecurrants
0811201140 Redcurrants
0811201145 Gooseberries
08112019 Other
0811201910 Raspberries
0811201915 Blackberries
0811201920 Mulberries
0811201925 Loganberries
0811201930 Blackcurrants
0811201935 Whitecurrants
0811201940 Redcurrants
0811201945 Gooseberries
08112031 Other
08112031 Raspberries
08112039 Blackcurrants
08112051 Redcurrants
08112059 Blackberries and mulberries
08112090 Other
081190 Other
08119011 Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
08119011 With a sugar content exceeding 13|% by weight
08119011 Tropical fruit and tropical nuts
08119019 Other
0811901912 Cherries
0811901990 Other
08119031 Other
08119031 Tropical fruit and tropical nuts
08119039 Other
0811903912 Cherries
0811903990 Other
08119050 Other
08119050 Fruit of the species Vaccinium myrtillus
08119070 Fruit of the species Vaccinium myrtilloides and Vaccinium angustifolium
08119075 Cherries
08119075 Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus)
08119080 Other
08119085 Tropical fruit and tropical nuts
08119095 Other
0811909520 Boysenberries, frozen, not containing added sugar, not put up for retail sale
0811909530 Pineapple (Ananas comosus), in pieces, frozen
0811909540 Rose-hips, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
0811909570 Fruit of the genus Vaccinium, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
0811909590 Other
0812 Fruit and nuts provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
081210 Cherries
081290 Other
08129025 Apricots; oranges
0812902511 Oranges
0812902511 Comminuted
0812902519 Other
0812902590 Apricots
08129030 Papaws (papayas)
08129040 Fruit of the species Vaccinium myrtillus
08129070 Guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya and tropical nuts
08129098 Other
0812909811 Fruit falling within heading and subheading Nos 0803, 0804 10, 0805 40, 0810 20 90, 0810 30 90, 0810 40 10, 0810 40 50, 0810 50, 0810 60, 0810 70 and 0810 90 75
0812909811 Grapefruit (including pomelo), comminuted
0812909819 Other
0812909820 Other citrusfruit, comminuted
0812909890 Other
0813 Fruit, dried, other than that of headings|0801|to 0806; mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this chapter
081310 Apricots
081320 Prunes
081330 Apples
081340 Other fruit
08134010 Peaches, including nectarines
08134030 Pears
08134050 Papaws (papayas)
08134065 Tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola and pitahaya
08134095 Other
0813409510 Goji berries (wolfberries) (Lycium barbarum L.)
0813409580 Other
081350 Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this chapter
08135012 Mixtures of dried fruit, other than that of headings|0801|to 0806
08135012 Not containing prunes
08135012 Of papaws (papayas), tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola and pitahaya
08135015 Other
08135019 Containing prunes
08135031 Mixtures exclusively of nuts of headings|0801|and 0802
08135031 Of tropical nuts
0813503120 Containing Brazil nuts in shell
0813503180 Other
08135039 Other
0813503920 Containing Brazil nuts in shell
0813503960 Containing pistachios
0813503970 Containing hazelnuts
0813503980 Other
08135091 Other mixtures
08135091 Not containing prunes or figs
0813509120 Containing Brazil nuts in shell
0813509160 Containing pistachios
0813509170 Containing hazelnuts
0813509180 Other
08135099 Other
0813509920 Containing Brazil nuts in shell
0813509950 Containing figs
0813509960 Containing pistachios
0813509970 Containing hazelnuts
0813509980 Other
0814 Peel of citrus fruit or melons (including watermelons), fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions

Discover World By Trade Data

The importance of accurate HS code or Harmonized System code classification cannot be overstated in international trade. With the complexity and vastness of global trade, using a reliable platform like TradeImeX is essential for efficient HS code retrieval and analysis. TradeImeX simplifies the process of finding and utilizing HS codes by providing a comprehensive and up-to-date database, along with powerful search functionalities. By leveraging the data resources offered by TradeImeX, businesses can optimize their trade operations, navigate regulatory requirements, and make informed decisions based on reliable trade data. TradeImeX helps businesses comply with customs regulations by providing the most up-to-date HS codes. This ensures smooth customs clearance and minimizes the chances of audits or penalties. Experience the power of HS codes with TradeImeX and unlock the full potential of international trade today.

OverView Of HS Code

What are HS Codes?

HS codes, also known as Harmonized System codes, are a standardized numerical classification system used to classify and identify products in international trade. These codes are recognized and utilized by customs authorities worldwide to streamline the movement of goods across borders.


A Powerfull Bit Of Information

The importance of accurate HS code classification:

  • Ensuring compliance with import and export regulations
  • Facilitating trade negotiations and agreements
  • Enabling proper identification and categorization of goods
  • Simplifying customs procedures and clearance
  • Accurate and up-to-date HS code database:

  • Detailed product descriptions and classifications
  • Comprehensive coverage of import and export data
  • Efficiency in trade analysis:

  • Identifying market trends and opportunities
  • Analyzing import/export volumes and values
  • Tracking competitors' activities
  • The Significance of HS Codes in Global Trade

    Regulatory Compliance:

    HS codes are pivotal in ensuring compliance with customs regulations and trade policies of different countries. By accurately classifying products with the appropriate HS codes, importers and exporters can avoid delays, penalties, and other trade barriers.

    Trade Statistics and Analysis:

    HS codes enable governments and international organizations to collect and analyze trade data more efficiently. By categorizing products with standardized codes, the global trade community can generate meaningful insights, track market trends, and develop effective policies.

    Tariffs and Duties:

    HS codes are utilized to determine applicable tariffs and duties for imported or exported goods. Tariff rates often vary based on the classification of products, making HS codes crucial in calculating the costs associated with international trade.

    TradeImeX: Simplifying HS Codes

    TradeImeX is a cutting-edge platform that leverages technology to simplify the world of HS codes. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive database, TradeImeX empowers businesses to streamline their import-export processes and enhance their overall efficiency. TradeImeX revolutionizes the way businesses manage HS codes through its advanced features and functionalities. By simply entering a product description or a keyword, users can quickly search for the appropriate HS code for their products. The platform's algorithm performs a sophisticated search, providing accurate and up-to-date results.

    HS codes are a standardized numerical classification system used to classify and identify products in international trade, recognized and utilized by customs authorities worldwide to streamline the movement of goods across borders.

    TradeImeX is essential for efficient HS code retrieval and analysis as it simplifies the process of finding and utilizing HS codes by providing a comprehensive and up-to-date database, along with powerful search functionalities.

    Though there are a few deviations, most nations in the globe harmonize their HS codes.

    The benefits of using an accurate and up-to-date HS code database include Saving time and effort by eliminating manual research, minimizing errors, reducing the risk of non-compliance, and enhancing transparency in trade data for better decision-making.

    TradeImeX offers keyword search with relevant suggestions and advanced filters for specific product categories as search functionalities for HS code retrieval.

    The six-digit HS code is divided into three sections: Headings (the first four digits), Subheadings (the next two digits), and Chapters (the first two digits). Depending on the nation of trade, the HS codes are further separated into 7 or 12-digit items.

    HS codes are pivotal in ensuring compliance with customs regulations and trade policies of different countries and also determine applicable tariffs and duties for imported or exported goods which are significant and crucial in global trade.

    With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive database, TradeImeX empowers businesses to streamline their import-export processes and enhance their overall efficiency.

    A standardized numerical categorization system used to identify and classify goods in international trade is called a Harmonized System (HS) code utilized by countries for trade data.

    HS code classification is helpful for businesses as, by simply entering a product description or a keyword, users can quickly search for the appropriate HS code for their products with customs regulations.
    Are you ready to skyrocket your profits? Contact us.