Search By Harmonized Code System

HS Code for salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement 25

HS Code


2501 Salt (including table salt and denatured salt) and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free-flowing agents; sea water
2502 Unroasted iron pyrites
2503 Sulphur of all kinds, other than sublimed sulphur, precipitated sulphur and colloidal sulphur
2504 Natural graphite
2505 Natural sands of all kinds, whether or not coloured, other than metal-bearing sands of Chapter|26
2506 Quartz (other than natural sands); quartzite, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
2507 Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined
2508 Other clays (not including expanded clays of heading|6806), andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite, whether or not calcined; mullite; chamotte or dinas earths
2509 Chalk
2510 Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk
2511 Natural barium sulphate (barytes); natural barium carbonate (witherite), whether or not calcined, other than barium oxide of heading|2816
2512 Siliceous fossil meals (for example, kieselguhr, tripolite and diatomite) and similar siliceous earths, whether or not calcined, of an apparent specific gravity of 1|or less
2513 Pumice stone; emery; natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives, whether or not heat-treated
2514 Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
2515 Marble, travertine, ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone of an apparent specific gravity of 2,5|or more, and alabaster, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (inc
2516 Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other monumental or building stone, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
2517 Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated; macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or n
2518 Dolomite, whether or not calcined or sintered, including dolomite roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
2519 Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite); fused magnesia; dead-burned (sintered) magnesia, whether or not containing small quantities of other oxides added before sintering; other magnesium oxide, whether or not pure
2520 Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters (consisting of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate) whether or not coloured, with or without small quantities of accelerators or retarders
2521 Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement
2522 Quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime, other than calcium oxide and hydroxide of heading|2825
2523 Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement, supersulphate cement and similar hydraulic cements, whether or not coloured or in the form of clinkers
2524 Asbestos
2525 Mica, including splittings; mica waste
2526 Natural steatite, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape; talc
2528 Natural borates and concentrates thereof (whether or not calcined), but not including borates separated from natural brine; natural boric acid containing not more than 85|% of H@3BO@3|calculated on the dry weight
2529 Feldspar; leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite; fluorspar
2530 Mineral substances not elsewhere specified or included

Discover World By Trade Data

The importance of accurate HS code or Harmonized System code classification cannot be overstated in international trade. With the complexity and vastness of global trade, using a reliable platform like TradeImeX is essential for efficient HS code retrieval and analysis. TradeImeX simplifies the process of finding and utilizing HS codes by providing a comprehensive and up-to-date database, along with powerful search functionalities. By leveraging the data resources offered by TradeImeX, businesses can optimize their trade operations, navigate regulatory requirements, and make informed decisions based on reliable trade data. TradeImeX helps businesses comply with customs regulations by providing the most up-to-date HS codes. This ensures smooth customs clearance and minimizes the chances of audits or penalties. Experience the power of HS codes with TradeImeX and unlock the full potential of international trade today.

OverView Of HS Code

What are HS Codes?

HS codes, also known as Harmonized System codes, are a standardized numerical classification system used to classify and identify products in international trade. These codes are recognized and utilized by customs authorities worldwide to streamline the movement of goods across borders.


A Powerfull Bit Of Information

The importance of accurate HS code classification:

  • Ensuring compliance with import and export regulations
  • Facilitating trade negotiations and agreements
  • Enabling proper identification and categorization of goods
  • Simplifying customs procedures and clearance
  • Accurate and up-to-date HS code database:

  • Detailed product descriptions and classifications
  • Comprehensive coverage of import and export data
  • Efficiency in trade analysis:

  • Identifying market trends and opportunities
  • Analyzing import/export volumes and values
  • Tracking competitors' activities
  • The Significance of HS Codes in Global Trade

    Regulatory Compliance:

    HS codes are pivotal in ensuring compliance with customs regulations and trade policies of different countries. By accurately classifying products with the appropriate HS codes, importers and exporters can avoid delays, penalties, and other trade barriers.

    Trade Statistics and Analysis:

    HS codes enable governments and international organizations to collect and analyze trade data more efficiently. By categorizing products with standardized codes, the global trade community can generate meaningful insights, track market trends, and develop effective policies.

    Tariffs and Duties:

    HS codes are utilized to determine applicable tariffs and duties for imported or exported goods. Tariff rates often vary based on the classification of products, making HS codes crucial in calculating the costs associated with international trade.

    TradeImeX: Simplifying HS Codes

    TradeImeX is a cutting-edge platform that leverages technology to simplify the world of HS codes. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive database, TradeImeX empowers businesses to streamline their import-export processes and enhance their overall efficiency. TradeImeX revolutionizes the way businesses manage HS codes through its advanced features and functionalities. By simply entering a product description or a keyword, users can quickly search for the appropriate HS code for their products. The platform's algorithm performs a sophisticated search, providing accurate and up-to-date results.

    HS codes are a standardized numerical classification system used to classify and identify products in international trade, recognized and utilized by customs authorities worldwide to streamline the movement of goods across borders.

    TradeImeX is essential for efficient HS code retrieval and analysis as it simplifies the process of finding and utilizing HS codes by providing a comprehensive and up-to-date database, along with powerful search functionalities.

    Though there are a few deviations, most nations in the globe harmonize their HS codes.

    The benefits of using an accurate and up-to-date HS code database include Saving time and effort by eliminating manual research, minimizing errors, reducing the risk of non-compliance, and enhancing transparency in trade data for better decision-making.

    TradeImeX offers keyword search with relevant suggestions and advanced filters for specific product categories as search functionalities for HS code retrieval.

    The six-digit HS code is divided into three sections: Headings (the first four digits), Subheadings (the next two digits), and Chapters (the first two digits). Depending on the nation of trade, the HS codes are further separated into 7 or 12-digit items.

    HS codes are pivotal in ensuring compliance with customs regulations and trade policies of different countries and also determine applicable tariffs and duties for imported or exported goods which are significant and crucial in global trade.

    With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive database, TradeImeX empowers businesses to streamline their import-export processes and enhance their overall efficiency.

    A standardized numerical categorization system used to identify and classify goods in international trade is called a Harmonized System (HS) code utilized by countries for trade data.

    HS code classification is helpful for businesses as, by simply entering a product description or a keyword, users can quickly search for the appropriate HS code for their products with customs regulations.
    Are you ready to skyrocket your profits? Contact us.