What are US Top 10 Imports?
According to the US import data, the US imports had a total value of around $3.37 trillion in 2022 with an increase of 14.9% as compared to 2021. The top 10 US imports valued at $1073 billion in 2022. Discover the top 10 US imports to gain insights into the nation’s consumption patterns and understand the significance of US import trends.

The USA is a prominent importer in the world. With a thriving economy and a high standard of living, the country relies on imports to meet the demands of its consumers. In 2022, the top 10 US imports have seen some changes due to shifting global dynamics and emerging trends. According to the US import data, the US imports had a total value of around $3.37 trillion in 2022 with an increase of 14.9% as compared to 2021. The top 10 US imports valued at $1073 billion in 2022. According to the recent USA import data, the US imports had a total value of $268 billion in September 2023. The top 10 import partners in September 2023 include China ($42.15 billion), Mexico ($39.88 billion), Canada ($35.81 billion), Japan ($13.01 billion), Germany ($12.81 billion), Vietnam ($11.03 billion), South Korea ($10.38 billion), Chinese Taipei ($8.18 billion), India ($7.64 billion), and Ireland ($7.35 billion). China was the biggest import partner of the US in September 2023. In this article, we will explore the top 10 imports of the US and analyze the relevant import data.
What are the top 10 imports of the US?
The top 10 US imports according to the import data in 2022 are:
- Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude oil: 6.06% ($204 billion)
- Motor cars and other motor vehicles: 4.99% ($168 billion)
- Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy: 3.75% ($126 billion)
- Automatic data processing machines: 3.67% ($123 billion)
- Medicaments and pharmaceuticals: 2.72% ($91 billion)
- Furniture; bedding, and mattresses: 2.57% (86 billion US$)
- Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles: 2.55% ($86 billion)
- Petroleum oils and waste oils: 2.44% ($82 billion)
- Human blood; animal blood for therapeutic or diagnostic uses: 1.92% ($64 billion)
- Electronic integrated circuits: 1.29% ($43 billion)
- With $776 billion in imports, consumer products accounted for the largest category of goods to the United States in 2022.
- The states that imported the greatest foreign commodities in 2022 were California, Texas, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Georgia.
- In 2022, China accounted for 17% of all U.S. imports and was the country's top supplier of foreign goods and imports.
- In 2022, the United States of America imported goods valued at US$3.376 trillion from around the world.
- This figure is a 15% year-over-year increase from $2.935 trillion in 2021 and a 29.4% increase from $2.609 trillion in 2018.
- From a continental standpoint, Asian suppliers accounted for 45.1% of the value of all imports into the United States in 2022. 26.9% of import sales to the United States came from Canada and Mexico, two other major trading partners in North America, while 21.4% came from Europe.
- Suppliers from Latin America, including the Caribbean but excluding Mexico, made up a lesser portion of US import purchases, at 4.7%. Africa accounted for 1.3% and Oceania for 0.7%, with Australia and New Zealand leading the way.
What are the top 10 countries that import to the US?
According to the import data, the top 10 import partners of the US in 2022 include:
- China: 17% (575 billion US$)
- Mexico: 13.6% (459 billion US$)
- Canada: 13.2% (446 billion US$)
- Japan: 4.57% (154 billion US$)
- Germany: 4.45% (150 billion US$)
- Vietnam: 4.02% (135 billion US$)
- Korea: 3.58% (120 billion US$)
- Other Asian nations: 2.84% (96 billion US$)
- India: 2.69% (90 billion US$)
- Ireland: 2.44% (82 billion US$)
- According to the US import data, the total value of the top 10 imports of the US accounted for $1073 billion in 2022.
- Among the top 10 product categories, American imports of mineral fuels, including oil, increased in value at the quickest rate, rising by 71.4% between 2021 and 2022. Crude oil exports from the United States ranked first among improved mineral fuels.
- Imports of organic chemicals into the United States increased by 17.5%, followed by autos (16.5%) and electrical machinery and equipment (14.9%) in second place.
- Gems and precious metals saw the least amount of growth year over year, up just 1%, primarily due to decreased international market spending on platinum, gold, and silver.
What are the top 10 US imports of electronic goods?
The following 10 subcategories of electronic equipment accounted for the majority of the US importers' spending in 2022.
- Smartphones and other mobile devices: US$126.7 billion (an increase of 13.6% from 2021).
- Micro-assemblies and integrated circuits: $43.7 billion (up 6%).
- Cable and wire insulation: $29.9 billion (up 20.6%).
- TV monitors, projectors, and receivers: $25.3 billion (down -6.5%)
- Batteries for electric storage: $23.9 billion (up 58.7%).
- Power units and electrical converters: $23.4 billion (up 23.6%).
- Sound recording media: $18.6 billion (an 8.8% increase)
- Diodes and semiconductors for solar power: $18 billion, (up 34.1%)
- Electrical machinery: $17.1 billion (48.2% increase)
- Circuit boards and panels for electricity and optics: $16.3 billion (up 15.6%).
What are the top 10 machinery goods imported by the US?
US importers spent the most money in 2022 on the 10 machinery subcategories listed below, which included computers.
- Computers, optical readers: US$123.8 billion (up 4.8% from 2021)
- Computer parts, and accessories: $34.1 billion (up 12.2%)
- Turbojets: $23.8 billion (up 21.3%)
- Taps, valves, and similar appliances: $18.1 billion (up 15.7%)
- Printing machinery: $16.2 billion (up 5.2%)
- Air or vacuum pumps: $15.6 billion (up 14.1%)
- Refrigerators, freezers: $15 billion (up 5.7%)
- Air conditioners: $14 billion (up 20.6%)
- Centrifuges, filters, and purifiers: $13.9 billion (up 7.7%)
- Liquid pumps and elevators: $13.1 billion (up 12.9%)
What are the top US imports of Vehicle-related products?
The following 10 vehicle subcategories accounted for the majority of the US importers' 2022 spending.
- Cars: US$168.3 billion (up 13.7% from 2021)
- Automobile parts/accessories: $86.2 billion (up 16.7%)
- Trucks: $35.2 billion (up 13.1%)
- Tractors: $18.8 billion (up 43.6%)
- Trailers: $7 billion (up 35.1%)
- Motorcycles: $5.1 billion (up 39.4%)
- Motorcycle parts/accessories: $2.4 billion (up 10.6%)
- Bicycles, and other non-motorized cycles: $2.2 billion (up 2.4%)
- Special purpose vehicles: $985 million (up 11.3%)
- Automobile bodies: $759.4 million (up 27.7%)
What are the top 10 US imports of Mineral fuels?
The following mineral fuel and related product subcategories accounted for the majority of the US importers' 2022 spending expenditures.
- Crude oil: US$204.7 billion (up 47.8% from 2021)
- Processed petroleum oils: $82.3 billion (up 27.9%)
- Petroleum gases: $24.1 billion (up 59.3%)
- Electrical energy: $4.2 billion (up 61%)
- Petroleum oil residues: $3.7 billion (up 89%)
- Coal tar oils: $1.2 billion (up 151%)
- Coal, solid fuels made from coal: $761 million (up 49.4%)
- Petroleum jelly, mineral waxes: $624.5 million (up 26.5%)
- Peat: $554.2 million (down -6.2%)
- Asphalt/petroleum bitumen mixes: $197.3 (up by 53.8%)
The top 10 imports of the US in 2022 reflect the diverse needs and demands of the country's consumers and industries. From machinery and electrical equipment to apparel and textiles, these imports play a vital role in sustaining the US economy. Understanding the import data can provide valuable insights into the trends and dynamics of the global market. As the world continues to evolve, these import categories may further change and adapt to new economic and technological developments.
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