Latest analysis of Russia’s Oil exports

Explore the latest analysis of Russia's oil exports. Russia's oil exports were valued at $133 billion in 2022 and China was Russia's biggest oil export partner worth $51 billion.

Latest analysis of Russia’s Oil exports

Latest analysis of Russia’s Oil exports

In recent years, Russia has been a dominant player in the global energy market, particularly when it comes to fossil fuel and oil exports. Russia is one of the world's top exporters of oil and natural gas, and its exports play a significant role in shaping global energy prices. Russia is known for its vast reserves of oil, natural gas, and coal, which have made it a major player in the global energy market. In recent years, Russia has been increasing its focus on expanding its energy exports to markets in Europe and Asia. The HS code for crude oil is 2709. Russia’s oil exports accounted for a total value of $133 billion in 2022, while Russia’s oil imports had a total value of $20.1 million in 2022. The country's energy exports play a crucial role in its economy, accounting for a significant portion of its total export revenue. In this article, we will delve into the latest analysis of Russia’s fossil fuel exports, with a specific focus on the outlook for Russia's oil exports.

Latest Trends in Russia’s Fossil Fuel and Oil Exports

In recent years, Russia's fossil fuel exports have faced several challenges, including fluctuating global energy prices, geopolitical tensions, and changing energy consumption patterns. Despite these challenges, Russia has managed to maintain its position as a key player in the global energy market. A key trend in Russia’s oil exports and fossil fuel exports is the country’s increased focus on diversifying its export markets. While Europe has traditionally been Russia’s biggest energy export market, the country is looking to expand its presence in Asia, particularly in countries such as China and India. The latest trends in Russia’s oil exports as of April 2024 are as follows:

  • The amount of money exported by seaborne crude oil increased by 7% a month to $290.71 million. The price increase of 2% for Russian crude oil is primarily responsible for this increase.
  • Export volumes decreased by 19% on a month-over-month basis, mostly because of Russia's curtailment in refining capacity in response to drone strikes in Ukraine. Refinery runs in Russia decreased by 2% in April over March.
  • Compared to March, fewer vessels carried 38% of Russia's seaborne crude oil and its products in April, which was subject to the oil price cap.
  • Between December 2022 and the end of April 2024, when the sanctions were put in place, Russian revenue would have decreased by $55.32 billion (24%) if there had been a price cap of $32.54 per barrel. In April alone, a price ceiling of $30 per barrel would have reduced Russian revenues by $3.41 billion (22%) alone.
  • If the price cap had been strictly enforced from the time sanctions were introduced to the end of April 2024, Russia's revenues would have decreased by 8% (or $18.44 billion). Enforcing the price cap in its entirety would have resulted in a 9% reduction in sales, or almost $1.35 billion, just in April.
  • Russia's monthly earnings from the export of fossil fuels decreased by 1% in April 2024 to $794.03 million per day.
  • Russian revenues from crude oil through pipelines increased by 5% to $110.64 million per day due to higher prices for Russian oil and a greater volume of exports by pipeline.
  • The amount of money received from the export of seaborne oil products in April 2024 fell by 16% monthly, to $212.61 million daily.

Who are the biggest Trade Partners for Russia’s oil exports?

top 10 biggest Trade Partners for Russia’s oil exports | top Russian oil importer

Russia is one of the world's top oil producers, and its exports are closely watched by energy markets around the world. Russia exported the most amount of crude oil and fossil fuels to China worth $24.6 billion in 2022. Russia ranked as the world's second-largest crude petroleum exporter in 2022 with $133 billion in exports. Crude petroleum was Russia's top export good in that same year. Russia's biggest export destinations for oil and fossil fuels are China ($51 billion), India ($25.5 billion), Germany ($11.5 billion), the Netherlands ($9.25 billion), and Italy ($6.33 billion). Russia's top three export destinations for its crude petroleum during 2021 and 2022 were Italy ($2.49 billion), China ($15.6 billion), and India ($24.6 billion).

Russia became the 82nd largest fossil fuel and oil importer in the world in 2022 after importing $20.1 million worth of the fuel. Fossil fuel and Oil were Russia's 653rd most-imported goods in the same year. The top four countries from which Russia imports crude oil are Kazakhstan ($19.7 million), Azerbaijan ($420k), Finland ($316k), and Estonia ($21k). Finland ($316) was Russia's fastest-growing crude petroleum import market in 2021 and 2022. The biggest trade partners for Russian oil exports and fossil fuel exports in 2022 include:

  1. China: $51 billion (38.4%)
  2. India: $25.5 billion (19.2%)
  3. Germany: $11.5 billion (8.68%)
  4. Netherlands: $9.25 billion (6.97%)
  5. Italy: $6.33 billion (4.77%)
  6. Poland: $5.89 billion (4.44%)
  7. Bulgaria: $3.03 billion (2.28%)
  8. Romania: $2.63 billion (1.98%)
  9. Slovakia: $2.48 billion (1.87%)
  10. Hungary: $2.39 billion (1.8%)

Russia's Seaborne Oil Exports Drop Ahead of the OPEC Conference

The average oil exports from Russia over the last four weeks have declined for a third week, reaching a two-month low just before the OPEC producing group's virtual meeting on Sunday. Reduced volumes from the Black Sea and the Arctic more than offset increased flows from the nation's Pacific ports. Week over week, cargo from Russia's Baltic ports remained constant; however, this month, compared to April, it is expected to decrease. Russia, which attributed its overproduction to the "technicalities of making substantial production cuts," has promised to make up for overproduction relative to its April target. Less output will result in fewer shipments to other countries unless refinery runs decline as well. In the first 15 days of May, however, Russia processed 5.45 million barrels of crude per day—4% more than in April—after repairing facilities that had been damaged by drone strikes from Ukraine.

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on Russia’s oil exports

The Russia-Ukraine war has had a significant impact on Russia's oil exports. It was discovered that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine caused the price of WTI crude oil to rise by $37.14 million, reaching 52.33%, and the price of Brent crude oil to rise by $41.49 million, reaching 56.33%. The conflict has brought about increased geopolitical tensions, leading to concerns about the stability of oil supply routes passing through Ukraine. This has resulted in disruptions to the transportation of Russian oil to various international markets. Furthermore, Western countries imposing sanctions on Russia as a response to the conflict have also affected Russia's ability to export oil. Such restrictions have limited Russia's access to crucial technology and financing for its oil sector. Consequently, the Russia-Ukraine war has caused a notable decline in Russia's oil exports, posing challenges to the country's economy and energy industry.

How can you find Russian oil suppliers at the best prices online?

Finding fossil fuel and oil suppliers in Russia has become extremely easy now. TradeImeX is a platform that allows you to find thousands of potential Russian oil suppliers and fossil fuel suppliers in Russia at affordable prices online. When looking to find potential Russian oil suppliers at the best prices online with TradeImeX, it is essential to utilize the platform's advanced search filters and features. By inputting specific criteria, TradeImeX can efficiently match you with reputable oil suppliers in Russia that meet your requirements. Contact us at Info@Tradeimex.In to learn more about Russian oil suppliers online. 


In conclusion, Russia remains a prime participant in the worldwide energy resource market, particularly in terms of fossil fuel and oil exports. Russian oil exports and fossil fuel exports play a critical position in shaping global trade and promoting economic growth in Russia. As we move ahead, it will be thrilling to witness how Russia navigates the evolving strength landscape and maintains its position as a key player in the international energy resource marketplace for its fossil fuel and oil exports.

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